The ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp of Anchorage will transform the high school experience for ASD students.
College Ready
Over 70% of living wage jobs will require something beyond a high school diploma; we must ensure more students are academically prepared to access post-secondary learning opportunities such as college and technical training.
Career Ready
Anchorage’s economic future depends on a robust, innovative workforce; we must provide educational pathways for all students that lead to in-demand, high-wage career opportunities.
Life Ready
College and career readiness programs have long focused on academic knowledge and behaviors, but social skills, interpersonal skills, and transition skills are taught separately; we must integrate these skills that are critical to helping students navigate their paths through life.
The ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp of Anchorage, approved by the Anchorage School Board in June 2024, create areas of career focus or “pathways” in Anchorage high schools. At the end of their freshman year, students choose the pathway that best fits their college or career interests and take electives related to that field over the course of their high school journey.
Pathways feature industry and career programs including Business and Innovation, Community Planning and Infrastructure, Leadership in Law and Business, Industry and Construction, Culinary Arts, and Welding. There are 26 general pathways and 85 specialties within those pathways available.
View a printable ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp of Anchorage informational brochure (pdf).
General FAQs about the Program
How will the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp of Anchorage work?
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp are small learning communities that empower students through college and career exposure so they can make timely, informed decisions and discover their true passions while earning early college credit and nationally recognized industry certifications. General education content is taught through the lens of their academy while business and community partners provide authentic experiential learning opportunities at every level.
Participating high schools will be matched with local industry partners who will provide training, internship and job-shadowing opportunities for students, as well as support for teachers who work in specific career-themed academies.
Will all students be part of an academy?
All comprehensive high schools will have academies and associated pathways. An academy is an opportunity for our young people to learn through a college and career lens of interest. This data-driven model shows academy students outperform their peers with higher grade point averages, increased attendance, and overall improved student performance. The ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp has embraced this model and wants to ensure all students have the opportunity to learn and apply their learning within a space that interests them while building a strong foundation for a successful future.
What is an academy pathway?
A pathway is a sequence of courses within a chosen academy designed to help students prepare for a specific career area while meeting the mandatory requirements for high school graduation.
What changes will be made to Anchorage high schools as part of this process?
The primary strategy for achieving transformation will be the creation of career-themed academies in our local high schools. The academies will provide students with planned elective pathways within each high school beginning with an orientation experience or Freshman Academy during their 9th-grade year.
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will choose an academy pathway within one of the available career-themed academies at the end of their freshman year. The academy pathway is made up of a sequence of at least three elective courses aligned to a viable college, trade school and / or career pathway that are completed during the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.
The progression of courses will be coupled with learning experiences that bring businesses and college / trade school partners into the school setting and send students out to college / trade school campuses and into the workplace to explore and apply what they are learning in high school at a deeper level.
Will advanced classes such as AP, IB and Dual-Enrollment still be offered in the Academy model?
In addition to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program at West High School and Alaska Middle College School, the academies will offer honors, Advanced Placement, and dual enrollment opportunities. The goal is to increase the number of students taking advanced courses by increasing relevance and rigor in instructional practices.
How will elective classes be impacted?
Academy scheduling is student-driven; elective classes are determined by student requests rather than teacher interest. Recommended electives will be offered to enhance the student’s pathway course sequence, while also having the opportunity to select any global electives offered in the Program of Studies.
How will this program provide exposure to career opportunities?
Participating high schools will be matched with local industry partners who will provide training, internship and job-shadowing opportunities for students, as well as support for teachers who work in specific career-themed academies.
FAQs for Parents and ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps
What if my child will be in high school but graduates before 2028?
This is a student-centered model that focuses on what is best for the student. Counselors and administrators will continue to work closely with students and their families to ensure students' needs are met.
What should my child do if they are not interested in the career pathways offered by their school?
My student is interested in topics that are not part of a career pathway. Will they still be able to study those subjects?
Classes in the arts, music, literature, social studies, physical education and world languages will still be offered by district high schools, even if no career pathway is focused on those areas. These classes are valuable and available to all students, regardless of the academy.
How will students with disabilities participate in this academy model?
All students will be included in an academy team, and support structures will be developed and provided for those students who need them. Ultimately, each young person’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) will support their learning and will be implemented to ensure student success.
What if my student is new to the school or community?
This is a student-centered model that focuses on what is best for the student. Counselors and administrators will continue to work closely with students and their families to ensure students' needs are met.
How are students who do not have a specific interested placed in an academy?
We will work with all of our students to identify critical information that might help them narrow their areas of interest. This will be supported with career exploration experiences. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will also meet with their academy counselor to review their data and discuss all of the options available to them.
If students are still struggling to make their choice, academies and pathways that are more focused on transferable skills will be suggested, but ultimately all students will be placed in an academy and pathway.
Will JROTC continue to be an option for my child?
JROTC programs will continue to be offered as a global elective, available to all students.
How will World language classes and immersion classes be impacted?
The ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp and the community know the value and importance of learning a world language. ASD is committed to developing global citizens who can communicate with diverse individuals and communities, and learning a world language greatly improves this outcome. ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will be encouraged to continue with their language immersion experiences and to take a world language. Proficiency in a world language will still be highlighted with the Seal of Biliteracy program.
Will student still have the opportunity to attend King Tech?
At this time, students will still be able to enroll in King Tech courses.
Will students need to transfer to other schools?
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps will still attend their neighborhood schools and will have an option to lottery into other school choice programs.